Monday, January 4, 2010

Play Dough for the fun of it.

Do I have kids? Nope. But that doesn't stop me from playing with Playdough. Here's a easy recipe to make your own, using things that should already be in your kitchen.

1 cup baking soda
1/2 cup corn starch
3/4 water

In a medium sized pot, mix together the baking soda and corn starch with your hands (Get a little messy...I dare you). Once they've blended, place on the stove top with medium heat. Stir constantly until it's a soft goo, then remove from heat. It's important to not overheat it, look for the dough to start sticking to itself and pull it. Then, you just wait for it to cool down, and knead it until it's the texture you want.

You could add liquid food coloring to it at this point, but I've found a more frugal way is to add a packet of Kool-aid. It's comes in tons of colors, plus it's scented. The only draw back is the color can transfer onto your hands, clothes, walls, pets, and anything else that may be light colored. But as long as you keep your hands to yourself, it washes right off.

So here's my challenge to you: Don't just make play dough, make something awesome out of it. I make roses, but you can make people, hearts, animals, (or if your not very artistic, a rock), the list is endless. Let it harden, and give it a place in your home (Or if it's really ugly, give it as a gift ). It's a great conversation piece, it's cheap, and I think it's good for the soul.

Update: Here are pictures of what I do with play dough.


  1. You make roses out of it? What kind of roses? Do you have any pictures, i would love to see what they look like!!

  2. i love your would never know there made out of playdough..i will try them with my girls thank you
