Sunday, May 30, 2010

Tops Deals

Here is the list of the best Tops Markets deals, and coupon matchups for 05/30-06/10/2010

**All coupons can be found on Ebay, by searching for the product name and the word coupon. Most coupons come in sets of 20, and you should pay around $2.00 for them. Some coupons are considered high value, and may cost more. Remember, the point of this is to save money, so don't pay $5.00 for coupons that will only save you $3.00.**

Top 5 coupons deals of the week

Orville Redenbacher Microwave Chedder Popcorn on sale Bogo (3.19/2)
Use (2) .75/1 coupons that double (savings $3.00)
Each box just .10 Cents!

Ronzoni Healthy Harvest Pasta (Excludes lasagna noodles) On sale for 1.49
Use a .75/1 coupon that doubles (savings 1.50)
Each box: Free!

French's Honey or Spicy Brown Mustard on sale for 1.50
Use a .50/1 coupon that doubles (savings 1.00)
Each bottle: .50 cents

Knorr Lipton Sides on sale for 1.00
Use a .60/2 coupon that doubles (savings 1.20)
Each package: .40 cents

YoCrunch 100 calorie 4-pack on sale for 2.50
Use a .75/1 coupon that doubles (savings of 1.50)
Each package: 1.00.  (or just .25 cents a container...not bad for a healthy snack.)

Other notable deals:

New England Coffee on sale Bogo (2/5.59)
Use (2) 1.50 coupons (savings 3.00)
Each bag: 1.30

Olivio Spread on sale for 2.00
Use the .55/1 coupon that doubles (savings 1.10)
Each tub: .90 cents

Dannon Activia 4-pack on sale for 2.00
Use the 1.00/1 coupon
Each 4-pack: 1.00

Ken's Steak House Marinades on sale for 2.00
Use the 1.00/1 coupon
Each bottle: 1.00

Breyer's Smooth and Dream Bars on sale for 3.00
Use the .75/1 coupon that doubles (savings 1.50)
Each box: 1.50 (just .25 cents a bar!)

Ragu Pasta Sauce on sale for 1.50
use the .75/2 coupon that doubles (savings 1.50)
Each jar: .75 cents

Wishbone Salad dressing on sale for 2.00
Use the 1.25/2 coupon
2 bottles for 2.75 or 1 for 1.38 . 
Now, I don't recommend paying more than .50 cents for a bottle of salad dressing, but there is another interesting coupon out there that would make this worth it. It states when you buy two bottles of wishbone, you get 2.00 off a bag of salad. If you're going to buy salad anyway, it's like getting 2 bottles for .75 cents (or .38 cents for one.). Produce coupons are hard to come by, so these Q's will probaly go fast!

President Fat Free Feta chese on sale Bogo (2/5.69)
Use (2) 1.00 coupons
Each package: 1.85

Glade Aerosol Room Spray on sale for 1.00
Use a .50/2 coupon that doubles (savings 1.00)
Each can: .50

Slim Jim Canister on sale for 2.50
Use a .75/1 coupon that doubles (savings 1.50)
Each canister: 1.00  (these are normaly priced at 4.19, so you're paying a quarter of the price)

Also Tops has strawberries on sale this week for just 1.39, that beats both Budweys and Wegmans prices.

And they have Peaches on sale for .79 cents a pound (budwey's is at 1.99/lb)

They also have a "Special Value'' on Sahlen's smokehouse ham, 3.99/lb. (Budweys is 5.29/lb)

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